The Patriot Review

Title: The Patriot (2000)
MPAA Rating: R for strong war violence.
NCCB/USCC Rating: Because of brutal scenes of war violence, the U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-IV -- adults, with reservations Rating: 7.0/10

The Patriot is a compelling story of one man's attempt to protect his family and to serve his country.

This film stars Mel Gibson (Benjamin Martin), Heath Ledger (Gabriel Martin), Joely Richardson (Aunt Charlotte), Jason Isaacs (Col. Tavington), and Chris Cooper (Col. Burwell).

Set in the Revolutionary War era, The Patriot borrows aspects of historical characters, such as Francis "Swampfox" Marion. However its intent is to capture the spirit of the era in order to weave a compelling tale, not to tell a historical story.

What was good about the movie? Mel Gibson. Questions of morality. Mel Gibson is a fine actor and he return to well known territory in this film. The plot is similar to that of Mad Max and Braveheart, but this is the first one that I might venture to recommend. Also, this movie delves in the morality or violence and war. Moreso than just, "Is it good or bad?" It is a good movie to talk about.

What is bad about the movie? Violence (or gore, whatever you want to call it). Length. There are scenes or gratuitous violence, which the movie could have easily done without, such a cannonball taking a soldier's head off. The movie is around three hours long. It often seems as if it is going to end, but then it doesn't.

I would recommend the movie to anyone who won't mind the violent content. Overall, it was worthwhile.